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    Welcome to the course "Process safety and sustainability", 5cr

    This course teaches and apply the fundamentals of safety and sustainability in process industry. Focus is to give a thorough understanding on chemical hazards, fires and explosions, risks and hazards identification, control and management techniques, safety culture & sustainability in the process industries as well as occupational health and safety.

    Guest lecturers from industries will tell more on safety & sustainability activities, trends, and industrial experiences.

    The course starts on 17.9.2021, Fridays at 12-16 and will be arranged remotely by Teams. Use the below teams meeting link to join. For more info contact golam.sarwar@aalto.fi

    Lectures & Exercise Meeting Link

    Schedule of the course:

    PO Pekka Oinas Aalto/Chem TOTAL COURSE HOURS
    GS Golam Sarwar Aalto/Chem 24 h Lectures
    KK Kirsi Kavonius Neste 24 h Exercise
    SK Simo Kolehmainen Neste 25 h  Seminar work and presentaion
    JSalo Jaana Salo If 59 h Independent self study and  preparation for examination
    JS Jaana Sorvari Syke 3 h  Examination
    KS Katja Salmi Sweco 135 h
    JH Jukka Hallikainen Neste
    AM Amelie Majorin Neste
    Week Date Time Lecture-h Exercise-h Hall Lecturer Topics
    37 Fr 17.09.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams PO/GS Introduction, Safety & Sustainability and Inherent Safety
    38 Fr 24.09.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams SK Safety Culture, Management and Sustainability
    39 Fr 1.10.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams KK Active and Passive Safety
    40 Fr 8.10.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams GS Fires, Explosions and Designs to Prevent , Accident cases
    41 Fr 15.10.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams GS Dow Fire and Explosion Index 
    42 Fr 22.10.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams GS Hazards Identification Methods, Dow Chemical Exposure Index
    43             Appraisal week
    44 Fr 5.11.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams JH/AM Consequence Modelling (QRA), 
    45 Fr 12.11.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams GS Introduction to Reliefs and Relief Sizing
    46 Fr 19.11.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams JSalo Human Factor in Safety
    47 Fr 26.11.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams JS Environmantal Risk Assesment & Sustainability
    48 Fr 3.12.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams KS HAZOP Study
    49 Fr 10.12.2021 12:15-16:00 2 2 Teams GS/PO Seminar presentations
    50 Th 16.12.2021 14:00-17:00     MyC   EXAM-1