Osion kuvaus

  • Please login to see instructions and submission boxes the required assignments

    Pre-assignments to be completed in MyCourses by 1 September 2021 (possibility to submit continued until 8 September 2021)

    • Pre-questionnaire for new doctoral candidates
    • Research abstract

    Optional assignments in MyCourses before/during/after the intensive week (links to separate MyCourses pages):

    To be submitted to MyCourses after the intensive week, by 7 December 2021:

    • Doctoral Personal Study Plan (including 5 parts)

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Q-kysely icon
      Pre-questionnaire for new doctoral candidates Q-kysely
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Keskustelualue icon
      Research abstract Keskustelualue

      Submit your an abstract of your research idea by 1 September 2021 and introduce yourself shortly (possibility to submit continued until Wed 8 September 2021 23:59).

      • To submit the abstract, add a new discussion topic
      • Write your name as the subject
      • Introduce yourself shortly in the message field (e.g. what have you studied before, your professional background, where you come from, personal interests)
      • Attach your research abstract in PDF form (max. one A4, including a short title of the research topic and your name - absract is a shorthened version of your research plan, but you can also get creative here and e.g. use images - the format is free)

      Read the introductions and abstracts of other doctoral candidates before the intensive week.

      On Wednesday 8 September 2021 everyone will present their research idea shortly. No presentation material is required, only your abstract.

      (The posts are only visible for the participants of this course)

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Tehtävä icon
      Doctoral personal study plan Tehtävä

      Doctoral personal study plan includes five parts:

      1) Sisu credit plan (prepared in Sisu)
      2) Research plan (free format)
      3) Supervision plan (PDF form)
      4) Funding plan (free format)
      5) Career plan (free format)

      + Supervising professor's approval form (PDF form)

      Complete the five parts, combine them into one PDF document with the supervising professor's approval form, ask the professor to sign the form, and submit the whole document here by 21 November 2021 (new date!).

      Instructions and PDF forms: https://into.aalto.fi/display/endoctoralarts/Doctoral+Personal+Study+Plan#DoctoralPersonalStudyPlan-5partsoftheDoctoralPersonalStudyPlan