Osion kuvaus

  • NOTE: Team formation is based on

    1. Maximizing diversity (disciplines, languages, backgrounds)
    2. Taking account your answer to study mode survey we sent to you (in campus preferred OR virtual preferred OR only virtual possible)


    Team 1P: Dang Phuong Thao, Assi Kivistö, Marius Augustin, Felix gugler, Oula Airiola

    Team 2P: Nicole Hußmann, Oskar Sasse, Sofia Wasastjerna, Hieu Le, Joel Oksanen

    Team 3P: Arla Aalto, Fanny Skult, Ahti Brummer, Aaro Vasama, Yujie Shen

    Team 4P: Stanislav Malevich, Jasmin el Kordy, Pauliina Alanen, Aleksi Holopainen, Veera kallio

    Team 5P: Ulrika Ura, Antti-Mikael Anton Kaljunen, Laura Suomalainen, Muzaddid Ahmed, Victor Silén

    Team 6P: Sofia Nissilä, Milo Sillanpää, Lucas Wasama, Matias Seppälä, Klara Norri

    Team 7P: Samvidh Ramanathan, Dan Wang, Milla Rusanen, Balder Eklöf Eira, Nikolas Kristovič

    Team 8P: Matias Rinne, Fredrik Lindstedt, Hazal Ustabas, Ia Ahl, Janni Lindgren

    Team 9P: Michael Buchta, Vilma Torkkeli, Emilia Tognetty, Utshav Bhattarai, Maria Uusitalo


    Team 10V: Yen Hien Hoang, Filimon Paasilahti, Cedric Ehrnrooth, Huong Tran, Carmina Nyfors

    Team 11V: Monica Romagnoli, Titta Kanerva, Antti-Juho Nieminen, Markus Hangelin


    Team VA: Daniela Borgström, Lara Render, Emmi Laine, Leevi Sorri

    Team VB: Anni Patronen, Goresh Jotam, Abrar Hossain

    NOTE: VA and VB will be combined in the next sessions!



    Allocation rules used:

    1. Max. students allowed simultaneously in the physical classroom 20 (4 teams)
    2. Divide in-class time as equally as possible between teams which prefer in-campus teaching (1P-9P). As the time cannot be allocated strictly equally, teams which get a bit less in-campus hours, got prioritized in some events
    3. Teams which prefer virtual teaching (10V-11V), will need to attend only some selected in-campus events
    4. No in-campus teaching for completely virtual teams (VA, VB)

    Team schedule (in-class)

    The schedule in an image file (if the inline image above is not displaying)


    Note 1! This is schedule for in-campus time allocation. All events are organized in hybrid format, so students not in campus will participate virtually

    Note 2! Monday 13.9. schedule is a special one as we want team members to see each other!

    • First, virtually for everyone 10.15-12.15
    • Then, in-class as follows: Teams 1P-4P 13.00-13.45; Teams 5P-8P 14.00-14.45; 9P, 10V, 11V: 15.00-15.45. And, virtually for VA, VB 16.00-16.45.
    • This schedule makes it possible for the team members to see each other in real life before the project begins. It is important!
    • After monday 13.9., the class times are as indicated in Sisu and here in Mycourses.
    • Zoom links will be provided soon

    Note 3! About Friday 17.9. physical sessions schedule and locations...

    • "Morning" is 10.15-12 at Otaniemi
    • "Afternoon" is 13.00-15.30 at Kamppi (Helsinki downtown, Maria 01)
    • Both of these will be normally streamed in hybrid format for the teams attending virtually

    Note 4! It is possible for everyone (including fully virtual teams) to participate Wed 29.9. 9-12 workshop, 4.10. event preparation and 6.10. final event in campus! On those dates we have a lot of capacity!