Osion kuvaus

  • Monday 27.9. Presenting


    • Your ideas, on stage. Elina Hildén (Slides)


    • Mentored teamwork (please reserve the rest of the day for teamwork & empirical data gathering - we will mentor you in-class or virtually)
    • DL: Reflective essay 2 (23.59.59)


    Wednesday 29.9. Beyond instrumentalism!


    • Arts immersion workshop. Paula Rusokallio
    • Everyone can attend this workshop physically (we have reserved a lot of spaces in Väre)


    • At 15.00: Guest speaker: Tim Kobe (Designing Experiences) (virtual attendance) (More about Tim)
    • Other times: Mentored teamwork (please reserve the rest of the day for teamwork & empirical data gathering - we will mentor you in-class or virtually)


    Friday 1.10. Reserved for ideas pitching and mentoring

    • Pitching and mentoring sessions (your team's time will be booked separately)
    • DL: Pitch presentation, doodle link


    • Mandatory reading during week 3: Zidulka, A., & Kajzer Mitchell, I. (2018). Creativity or cooptation? Thinking beyond instrumentalism when teaching design thinking. Journal of Management Education, 42(6), 749-760