
  • IDBM Challenge is organized in "hybrid" format. Hybrid teaching means that there will be both physical and virtual participants in the same session. Due to covid-19 restrictons, max 20 people (+ faculty) will participate physically, rest of the class will be online.

    As the amount of students willing to attend physical classroom exceeds our capacity, we have organized a schedule making it possible for all students willing to maximize in-campus teaching to attend 40-50% of the sessions physically. Students willing to participate mostly virtually are offered a more virtually-dominated schedule. Also, if there are travel/medical related reasons to participate fully virtually, it is also possible.

    In IDBM Challenge, we have technology to facilitate rich interaction between physical and virtual worlds. Also, we have dedicated facilitators for the physical and virtual classroom. Technology is immersive and almost "invisible" - but at the same time technology is still very new. So, to keep us organized, we need to enforce some rules, as follows:


    • Please install Zoom client to your computer or tablet: https://zoom.us/download (if you don't already have it). We will be using Zoom platform for the course workshops (both in class and virtually). Although Zoom can be used with a web browser or phone, the desktop/tablet application is needed for breakout rooms and other functionalities that we need during the course.
    • All the meetings will be recorded for the purpose of this course's participants study use.


    • Please always bring a laptop or tablet with zoom client to the in-class (physical) meetings. All content sharing and editing will be done with digital devices (it is the only way to get physical and virtual classrooms to collaborate).
    • Keep your own device's microphone and speakers always MUTED in physical classroom! In-class audio system will pick up your voice automatically so no need for own microphones.
    • When you want to say something, raise your hand first (like you would normally anyways :). That is the way how virtual people get their "airtime" from the teacher, so we need to do the same physically to promote equality between online and offline worlds.
    • When commenting, asking questions, etc, please speak with loud enough voice! It is necessary always in big classrooms, but now that we have virtual participants attending, in-class microphones need to pick up your voice. You don't have to grab a microphone or do anything more than speak loud enough! Tech will take care of the rest.
    • When speaking, remember to give eye contact also to the in-class camera. This is where the virtual participants "are". Eye contact is important!
    • Remember that the whole classroom is full of always-on microphones so avoid all kinds of audible distractions in class (eating, moving chair, slamming the table :) when someone else is speaking. We have background noise reduction technology active, but it is still technology: it cannot make difference between intentional and non-intentional noises.
    • Feel free to use your devices in class to follow slides, interact with chat, use emoticons etc.


    • We really like all kinds of interaction between virtual and physical classroom! So feel free to raise your hand and speak (when you are given turn), use reaction emoticons, and write questions and comments to chat! We will always have a dedicated person to monitor and facilitate physical-virtual collaboration. Virtual activity will also be partially visible in the classroom's big screens.
    • Please switch your mic on only when you are speaking.
    • Also, please ensure that you don't have disturbing background noise in your study space.
    • We won't require using a camera, but human beings like to see each other, at least when they are interacting. So, at least when you are speaking, consider whether it could be possible to switch your camera on.