Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Zoom link for the virtual and hybrid sessions: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69171006111?pwd=V2cvdklJQlNuZEh4a0FjQ3JoRVM0Zz09

    The course will familiarize you with the new product development challenges that product and service marketers face in complex (global) environments. You will obtain an understanding of the core approaches and concepts for developing user-centric innovations that allow firms to succeed in such fast-paced, fiercely competitive markets. Through contact sessions, readings, and assignments you will gain knowledge of and will learn to apply the key managerial practices related to managing a company's new product development in a market­-oriented way.

    The course is structured around the design thinking process

    • understanding: examining value perceptions and needs of key customers, users and stakeholders
    • reframing: identifying value creation opportunities and market constraints
    • ideating: utilizing a variety of methods to explore potential new offerings
    • experiment: testing assumptions and learning through prototyping

    Throughout this process, we will examine managerial implications, learn from case examples, and apply key methods in case projects. Groups will work on a circular economy case in which they will develop new value, applying methods and insights on the case throughout the course. Weekly class times on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 - 12 are reserved for lectures and workshops, in addition to which there are weekly individual and group tasks on the case. 

    Course grading

    Course points

    • Five individual assignments due 8.3, 15.3, 22.3, 5.4, and 12.4 (total 50 points)
    • Group assignment: final presentation 14.4 (10 points) and final report due 14.4 (30 points)
    • In-session and group work participation 14.4 (10 points)

    Course grade

    • 90 or more = 5 
    • 80-89 = 4 
    • 70-79 = 3 
    • 60-69 = 2 
    • 51-59 = 1 
    • below 50 = 0 / Fail

    Course structure

    1. Introduction
    2. Understand
    3. Frame
    4. Ideate
    5. Prototype
    6. Implement
    7. Share

    On most weeks, Thursdays will be online sessions emphasising covering new content and Tuesdays will be hybrid sessions emphasizing reflecting on activities and synthesizing insights together with all course participants (either on Zoom or on campus at the Design Factory Stage, Betonimiehenkuja 5C). However, the first introduction session on Tuesday March 1st will be online, and the final group presentations on Thursday April 14th will be on campus. Note that there are no classes March 28th - April 1st, rather, reserve some time to work with your group.

    Questions? Do not hesitate to contact Floris van der Marel (floris.vandermarel@aalto.fi) or Tua Björklund (tua.bjorklund@aalto.fi).

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Group formation Q-kysely
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Groups Sivu