Topic outline

  • Welcome to the course!

    In the first session, we'll get a first touch to design thinking as a human-centered innovation approach and go over course practicalities. 

    Please note that we hope you'll fill out the pre-survey (link will be sent soon) in advance, letting us know the primary mode you intend to complete the course (online/on campus/undecided) and your preferred company case.

    The course is structured around five 1-2 week-long modules, plus an introduction session (this one!) and the final presentations (14.4.). Each module will have an online, interactive lecture on Thursday and a hybrid workshop on the following Tuesday, along with an individual task to be returned by the Tuesday workshop.

    Activities of the module

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Design Thinking by Tim Brown (2008) File PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Slides and recording Folder