Topic outline

  • Activities of the module

    • Session 3. Frame (virtual lecture) Thu 10.3. 10-12 on Zoom
    • Reading The Sydney Opera House podium (chapter from Frame Innovation: Create New Thinking by Design, Dorst 2015)
    • Assignments (due Tue 15.3)
      • Conduct interviews (each team member interviews a different person who brings a different point of view before 15.3)
      • Individually, do some benchmarking on similar products and services. Go beyond the immediate competitors, and explore analogous products, services, and markets (e.g. how online education can learn from Netflix).
      • Collate all insights from the interviews and benchmarking as a team. Focus on what you learned and what insights are surprising.
      • Formulate How Might We questions. Using the collated insights, each team member should first formulate a few on their own. Then, come together as a group to discuss them and select, combine, or create more promising ones (no need to decide on one at this point, we do this in the session on 15.3). 
    • Quiz Frame due Wed 16.3. 9am
    • Session 3. Frame (workshop) Tue 15.3. 10-12 hybrid: Design Factory Stage and Zoom

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      The Sydney Opera House podium (chapter from Frame Innovation: Create New Thinking by Design, Dorst 2015) File PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Slides and recording of Frame (lecture) 10.3. Folder
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Slides and recording Frame (workshop) 15.3 Folder
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Additional resource: The qualitative research interview (Qu and Dumay 2011) File PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Additional resource: Qualitative Interview Questions: Guidance for Novice Researchers (Roberts 2020) File PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Optional reading: The winning recipe for a circular economy (Sitra 2021) File PDF