Topic outline

  • In this module, we'll learn about different ways about fleshing out ideas into concepts utilizing low-fidelity prototypes as well as collecting user and stakeholder feedback. This module also has an extra week to allow more time for testing your own case solutions.

    Activities of the module

    • Session 5. Prototype (virtual lecture) Thu 24.3. 10-12 on Zoom
    • Reading The role of prototypes in communication between stakeholders (Lauff et al 2020)
    • Assignments (due 5.4)
      • Individually, generate assumptions and explore prototyping options (pdf template).
      • As a group, discuss the different prototyping options and choose or create one that is most meaningful and feasible to execute. As a group, create an experimentation plan (pdf template).
      • As a group, build the prototype.
      • Individually, validate the ability of your prototype to test the chosen assumption with a student from another group.
      • As a group, improve the prototype based on your validation test.
      • Individually, conduct a test with a real potential user.
      • As a group, collate and discuss the insights. What did you learn about the product or service? What did you learn about the target audience? Were you able to verify or reject your assumption? 
    No class on Tue 29.3. or Thu 31.3., but reserve some time for prototyping with your group this week

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      24.3.2022 Lecture slides and recording Folder
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      The role of prototypes in communication between stakeholders (Lauff et al 2020) File PDF
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      PDF Templates Folder
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Pilot each other's prototypes Forum