23C79050 - Innovations in an Age of Constant Change, Lecture, 1.3.2022-14.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 14.04.2022 Search Courses: 23C79050
Topic outline
Activities of the module
- Final pitches of the group assignments 7. Share (final presentations) Thu 14.4. 10-12 at the Design Factory Stage (Betonimiehenkuja 5C)
- Final group assignment report due end of Thu 14.4.
No need to submit anything, this is where we input the points that you get from the peer feedback questionnaire.
Your points are calculated as follows:
We took the average of the scores received by all of your team mates. This average could range from 0 to 5. From this score, we deducted 2,5, and then multiplied this by 4 to calculate the points you received. Some examples:
Average of 5
5 - 2,5 = 2,5
2,5 * 4 = 10 points
Average of 4,5 -> 8 points
Average of 4 -> 6 points
Average of 3,5 -> 4 points
Average of 3 -> 2 points
Average of 2,5 or lower -> 0 points