Topic outline

  • Activities of the module

    • Final pitches of the group assignments 7. Share (final presentations) Thu 14.4. 10-12 at the Design Factory Stage (Betonimiehenkuja 5C)
    • Final group assignment report due end of Thu 14.4.

    • No need to submit anything, this is where we input the points that you get from the peer feedback questionnaire.

      Your points are calculated as follows:

      We took the average of the scores received by all of your team mates. This average could range from 0 to 5. From this score, we deducted 2,5, and then multiplied this by 4 to calculate the points you received. Some examples:

      Average of 5 

      5 - 2,5 = 2,5 

      2,5 * 4 = 10 points

      Average of 4,5 -> 8 points

      Average of 4 -> 6 points

      Average of 3,5 -> 4 points

      Average of 3 -> 2 points

      Average of 2,5 or lower -> 0 points