35E02000 - Procurement and Strategic Sourcing D, Lecture, 11.1.2022-17.2.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 17.02.2022 Etsi kursseja: 35E02000
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Welcome to the home page of the course 35E0200 Procurement and Strategic Sourcing!
(Updated on 23rd of Dec 2021)
Update on mode of organizing in the light of the recent Aalto corona guidelines:
Due to the intensification of COVID-19 pandemic, Aalto University has decided that all lectures should be organized online in Period III (for details see the e-mail from CMT on 23rd of Dec) .
Hence, this course is following this policy and will prepare for online mode of lecturing.
We seek for potential options to organize the game and workshop sessions in a hybrid mode as well as will be ready to change the mode of organizing to hybrid if the pandemic permits.
We will announce the exact details of practicalities of online mode in the first week of January, when we will have a better estimate on the final number of participants.
Please follow the course announcements!
Until then, happy holidays!
-Course staff
SyllabusPlease refer to the detailed course syllabus as a pdf file below for more information about the content, workload, and evaluation criteria of the course.
If you are interested in taking the course, please register to the course and lectures at Sisu.
The registration is mandatory as it enables managing course practicalities and grants you access to course contents.
Course lectures
Lectures will take place twice a week:
Tuesdays, 13:15 - 15:00
Thursdays, 13:15 - 17:00
Assignments and mandatory participation
The course grading is 100% based on assignments (see Syllabus pdf and Assignments tab for details)
In addition, there are three in-class games/exercises.
Hence, please note that lecture participation is mandatory (online or in-class if hybrid feasible at that point) on the following dates (and otherwise highly encouraged):
- Thursday 27th of January
- Thursday 10th of February
- Thursday 17th of February
If you are unable to attend, please contact the instructor for an alternative assignment (i.e. a performance-based alternative assignment and requiring substantially more effort).
- Thursday 3rd of February, Analytics Workshop
Hands on and step-by-step guidance to using a simple machine learning algorithm in purchase invoice classification.
Participation is voluntary but highly recommended especially for students' with no prior experience in data analytics / machine learning (alternatively the assignment can be conducted independently).
Course staff
If any questions arise please contact the instructor or post to the discussion forum.
Teacher-in-charge: Prof. Katri Kauppi
Co-lecturer: Dr. Juri Matinheikki
Teaching assistant: Katie Kenny
All emails follow the form: firstname.lastname@aalto.fi
Announcements Keskustelualue
Discussion forum Keskustelualue