REC-E4100 - Real Estate Finance D, Lecture, 28.2.2022-13.4.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 13.04.2022 Etsi kursseja: REC-E4100
Osion kuvaus
Dear all,
the course will be thought live on campus. The lecture and tutorial schedule is set below. Please note there might be small changes in the latter part of the course to accommodate guest lecturers. These will not affect lecture times, but may affect the order of topics.
Preliminary lecture plan
Date Topic 28.2. Introduction 1.3. Real estate investment strategy + Real estate returns 7.3. 13.15- 17.00 Real Estate Indices, Return and Risk of Real Estate (Martin Hoesli) 8.3. 10.30 - 12 and 13-14.30 Portfolio Diversification, Derivatives (Martin Hoesli) 14.3. Implementing a real estate portfolio strategy and alternative ways to invest in real estate 15.3. Alternative ways to invest in real estate 21.3. Listed instruments (REIT+REOC) 22.3. Listed instruments (REIT + REOC) 28.3. Private equity real estate funds 29.3. Private equity real estate funds 4.4. Open-ended real estate funds 5.4. Management fees and incentives, Summary Preliminary tutorial scheduleThe tutorial zoom link Topic 2.3. Risk and return 9.3. Indices and portfolios 23.3. Listed real estate 30.3. Private equity real estate 6.4. Open-end funds and Management Fees