Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Please note that due to continuing Coronavirus restrictions, the course will be taught fully online. Direct link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/68274251561?pwd=TTVrMUVkeFhvTGxNMWlkV3JGQllTdz09

    Course program




    Weekly readings

    Wed 12 Jan


    Introduction to course, forming groups, starting group work




    1. Salas & Huxley (2013) Enhancing visualisation to communicate and execute strategy. Journal of Strategy and Management

    2. Collis, J & Rukstad, M. (2008) Can you say what your strategy is. Harvard Business Review. April 2008.

    Fri 14 Jan

    Before or after communicating it: prerequisites of strategy communication 

    Strategy as process and practice approach; stakeholder dialogue

    Wed 19 Jan

    Strategy as discourse and narrative

    How and why the way we talk about strategy matters? Academic and practical underpinnings and implications




    1. Paroutis & Heracleous (2013) Discourse revisited… Strategic Management Journal.

    2. Dalpiaz & Di Stefano (2017) A universe of stories: Mobilizing narrative practices during transformative change. Strategic Management Journal

    Fri 21 Jan

    Narrative approaches to strategy

    Learning about how to analyze and develop strategy narratives

    Wed 26 Jan

    Communicational tools for strategy making

    Role of communication in creating strategies; role of tools, stuff and techniques for communication and strategy





    1. Jarzabkowski et al. (2013) Material artifacts: Practices for doing strategy with ”stuff”. European Management Journal

    2. Lewis & Russ (2012) Soliciting and Using Input During Organizational Change Initiatives: What Are Practitioners Doing? Management Communication Quarterly.

    Fri 28 Jan

    Communicating strategy to – and with – different stakeholders

    Role of communication in engaging with stakeholders


    Wed 9 Feb


    WORKSHOP 1 (presentations)



    Wed 16 Feb


    WORKSHOP 2 (presentations)



    Fri 18 Feb



    Recap and feedback session