PHYS-E0461 - Introduction to plasma physics for fusion and space applications D, Lecture, 13.9.2021-15.12.2021
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 15.12.2021 Etsi kursseja: PHYS-E0461
Osion kuvaus
By far, the most appropriate written material for this course is:
F. Chen: Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol. 1 "Plasma Physics"
(Vol. 2, "Controlled Fusion" was not, unfortunately, ever published. )
Other, very useful material:
Wesson: TokamaksThis is the "Bible" for fusion plasma physics: in contains 'everything'. However, it is NOT a textbook but, rather, a reference document.Fitzpatrik: Lecture-notes-manuscriptWell written text on basic plasma physics but generally with more advanced math. However, strongly recommended supplementary reading with discretion. PDF attached with author's permission.Karttunen: Plasmafysiikan perusteetMost appropriate for this course but written in Finnish. Scanned copy attached.
Koskinen: Johdatus plasmafysiikkaan ja sen avaruussovelluksiinOther useful material:-
These notes have actually been published as a book, but with Fitzpatrick's approval we are allowed to use them free-or-charge. The material goes quite a bit deeper and broader than what we can afford in this course, so use with discretion.
As you can see from the front page, this material was compiled several logos ago. ;) But the basic plasma physics stands time better than different logo versions! The level of this material is quite appropriate for our course but, unfortunately, not one-to-one match. But even for our non-Finnish-speaking participants this might have the additional advantage of providing a nice platform for learning Finnish -- the common language is, of course, math.