Topic outline

  • Rules and arrangements

    The course will have six compulsory individual assignments making up 50% of the final grade. The assignments will be introduced in the exercise sessions. Instructions and materials will appear on this page.

    Each assignment will be graded and the assignments constitute towards the course grade.

    Keep in mind that the assignments and quizzes are to be completed individually by each student. While it is perfectly fine to discuss the algorithms, implementations and the concepts taught in the course with your peers, directly sharing answers, data or code will not be accepted. In short—share ideas, not answers.

    Remember to submit all your solutions on time, and double check that your submission contains all the necessary files, as listed at the end of the assignment instruction document. We do not accept any submissions or additional files after the submission system in MyCourses closes. The only exceptions are in well justified cases such as illness (supported by a proper certificate) or military service. If you cannot submit the assignment on time due to university-related reasons, such as attending a conference, please inform the course staff in advance.

    Exercise Sessions

    There are three exercise sessions per week in which you can ask questions about the lectures and exercises. Attendance is optional. The sessions take place online:

    H02 Exercises - Monday 12:15-14:00

    H03 Exercises - Tuesday 12:15-14:00

    H01 Exercises - Wednesday 10:15-12:00


    The quizzes are individual works and should be completed independently. The answers can be found in the lectures and readings. The quizzes will make up 20% of the final grade.


    The hard-deadlines for each assignments is listed below. There are three weeks from when the assignment is uploaded until the deadline.

    • Exercise 1 - Release: 13.09.2021 - Deadline 04.10.2021

    • Exercise 2 - Release: 20.09.2021 - Deadline 11.10.2021

    • Exercise 3 - Release: 27.09.2021 - Deadline 18.10.2021

    • Exercise 4 - Release: 04.10.2021 - Deadline 25.10.2021

    • Exercise 5 - Release: 11.10.2021 - Deadline 01.11.2021

    • Exercise 6 - Release: 18.10.2021 - Deadline 08.11.2021