ELEC-A5240 - Computer lab in digital signal processing basics, Lecture, 11.1.2022-29.3.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 29.03.2022 Etsi kursseja: ELEC-A5240
Osion kuvaus
Welcome to the course!
There is only one exercise session on period IV. It is held in Zoom. Notice that there are two meeeting links for different dates:
Tuesday 14:15-16:00:
Dates: 1.3, 15.3, 29.3:
Link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64349742949?pwd=Znh0S0JuQ0ljdFRuaVFRZ01OY1ZVZz09
Meeting ID: 643 4974 2949
Passcode: 733972Dates: 8.3, 22.3, 5.4:
Link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/63371237737
Passcode: 522263
Meeting ID: 633 7123 7737Course staff:
Teacher in charge: Antti Ojapelto
Teaching assistants: Tuukka Himanka, Ville Synkkänen