
  • Allmänt

    Detailed software project-related information can be found in the A+ system. The project topics are also in the A+ system.

    Project Timeline

    • Kick-off session: Tuesday, October 19, 2021, at 14:15

    • Project topic/group questionnaire (deadline): Friday, October 22, 2021, at 23:59

    • Project group distribution and confirmation: Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at 23:59

    • Project plan submission (commit) to git (deadline): Friday, November 5, 2021, at 23:59

    • Project final commit to git (deadline): Friday, December 12, 2021, at 23:59

    • Project evaluation (deadline): Friday, December 17, 2021, at 23:59

    More information about the course arrangements can be found in the Course Syllabus

    Course materials and exercises are available in the A+ System.

    There will be no on-site or face-to-face activities on course, but communication happens mainly using Teams chat and video sessions.  

    For general questions about the course use General Channel, and for exercise-related questions use Exercise ChannelThe course personnel can also be reached by email at elec-a7151@aalto.fi. Do not use emails for questions on course practicalities, but prefer the course TeamsWe will also use MyCourses for general course Announcements.

    The course language is English, but the course assistants also speak Finnish. Please use English in all your email correspondences, but you can use Finnish in Teams at the cost of delayed replies.

    • The course is divided into 5 modules consisting of material and exercises with weekly deadlines in addition to 2 modules that provide useful information about the required tools.
    1. Module 0 Getting Started: installation instructions for the local development environment. Not graded. 
    2. Module 1 Basics: A broad overview of the main C++ features. Deadline: Friday,  24.9.2021.
    3. Module 2 Containers: Introduction to different kinds of containers for storing and handling data. Deadline: Friday, 1.10.2021.
    4. Module 3 Classes and Object-oriented Programming: A  detailed look into C++ classes and object-oriented programming mechanisms.  Deadline: Friday, 8.10.2021.
    5. Module 4 Organization and Utility Constructs:  I/O, Templates, Smart pointers. Deadline: Friday, 15.10.2021.
    6. Module 5 Advanced Topics: Lambda expressions and Exceptions. Deadline: Friday, 22.10.2021.
    7. Module 6 Project Tools: an overview of possible tools you can use with the course projects. Not graded.

    • The course will also have a C++ programming project that will be done in a group. Projects start in October and conclude mid-December.


    Due to a technical problem in the automatic grader, many students have experienced unexpected issues. The technical problem is resolved as of 29th of September 2021, 17:30.
    The new deadlines for the modules are: 
    1. Module 0 Getting Started: installation instructions for the local development environment. Not graded. 
    2. Module 1 Basics: A broad overview of the main C++ features. Deadline: Friday,  8.10.2021.
    3. Module 2 Containers: Introduction to different kinds of containers for storing and handling data. Deadline: Friday, 8.10.2021.
    4. Module 3 Classes and Object-oriented Programming: A  detailed look into C++ classes and object-oriented programming mechanisms.  Deadline: Friday, 8.10.2021.
    5. Module 4 Organization and Utility Constructs:  I/O, Templates, Smart pointers. Deadline: Friday, 15.10.2021.
    6. Module 5 Advanced Topics: Lambda expressions and Exceptions. Deadline: Friday, 22.10.2021.
    7. Module 6 Project Tools: an overview of possible tools you can use with the course projects. Not graded.


    When asking for help in the Exercise Channel of Course Teams, please follow the template below:

    Module: <Name of the module>

    Programming Task: <Name of the programming task>. It is the first line  (in bold) of the exercise description. You could also mention <Section>.<Subsection> numbers.

    Problem Description: A brief description of the problem you need help with.