Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the Translational Engineering Forum!

    This course is led by Ivan Vujaklija (ivan.vujaklija@aalto.fi,  Office F306, Rakentajanaukio 2c) and further by Marc Desmulliez (m.desmulliez@hw.ac.uk)

    This year’s course will be conducted in an online format and will consist of lectures and exercises. In addition, the course will have an option for obtaining additional 2 ECTS (so 7 ECTS in total) by taking extra activities detailed bellow. Keep in mind that the 7 ECTS version of the course is obligatory for all SSIs students and otherwise the additional 2 ECTS credit portion of the course cannot be taken on its own (so only in conjunction with the remaining 5 ECTS).

    Zoom, MyCourses, and email will be the main course platforms, however, participants are encouraged to utilize any other means of communication that they might find useful for supporting their own work.

    All the handouts for the course will be uploaded in the Materials section of the page (on your left) according to the schedule. All video materials as well as Zoom links for the online contact sessions will be posted timely here in both Materials section and via the Course Forum (see below).

    Throughout the course, participants are also at liberty to use electronics workshop (sähköpaja) at Maarintie 8 (ground floor, room 1558) if they see fit.

    Intended Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing this course, the participants are able to:

    • Understand the process and requirements to convert basic research into innovative products and technologies
    • Apply the process of demand-based product development
    • Define core knowledge and skills needed to design multidisciplinary technical products
    • Design a concept for an electronic device and anticipate main challenges in the entity including SW/HW interfaces, EMC, assembly and manufacturing
    • Identify processes needed for quality assurance in product development

    Assessment Methods and Criteria

    5 ECTS:

    • Pre-assignment (5%) – deadline @05/10/2021
    • Group presentation (30%)
    • Group report assessment (35%)
    • Learning logs (20%)
    • Peer review (10%)

    +2 ECTS: Group pitch (to be detailed)

    Study Material

    The course is mainly based on lecture videos, notes, and handouts that will be made available on the course homepage.


    Recommended: basic design concepts, basics of circuit design, basic programming



    • 5 ECTS: Tuesdays 15:15-17:00 via Zoom or prerecorded (see below)
    • Additionally for +2 ECTS: Thursdays (on selected dates, see below) 14:15-17:00 via Zoom

    Exercises (just for 5 ECTS) on Thursdays 10:15-12:00 via Zoom

    TEF timetable 2021

    Tentative schedule details (subject to changes):

    5 ECTS:

    1. 28/09: Lecture 1: Translational Engineering – Course introduction (short on zoom) and topic introduction (prerecorded)
      • 30/09: Exercise 1: Introduction to exercises (zoom)
    2. 05/10: Lecture 2: Engineering project management (prerecorded)
      • 07/10: Exercise 2: Management exercise (zoom)
    3. 12/10: Lecture 3: Regulations, standards and certifications (prerecorded)
      • 14/10: Exercise 3: Regulatory affairs exercise (zoom)
    4. 19/10: Lecture 4: Electronic system design(prerecorded)
      • 21/10: Exercise 4: Embedded electronics exercise (zoom)
    5. 26/10: No lectures - evaluation week
      • 28/10: No exercises, evaluation week
    6. 02/11: Lecture 5: Software design (prerecorded)
      • 04/11: Exercise 5: SW exercise (zoom)
    7. 09/11: Lecture 6: MEMS and electronics integration (prerecorded)
      • 11/11: Exercise 6: MEMS exercise (zoom)
    8. 16/11: Lecture 7: Forum – Guests 1 (prerecorded)
      • 18/11: Exercise 7: Project contact session (per arrangement)
    9. 23/11: Lecture 8: Forum – Guests 2 (prerecorded)
      • 25/11: Exercise 8: Project contact session (per arrangement)
    10. 30/11: Lecture 9: Forum – Guests 3 (prerecorded)
      • 02/12: Exercise 9: Group presentations (zoom)
    11. 07/12: Lecture 10: Concluding lecture (zoom)

    +2 ECTS: 

    07/10: Entrepreneurship lectures (+2 ECTS) - L1
        • Motivation drivers
        • Business model canvas 
        • Business models of various companies
        • Competitors and competitive technologies
    14/10: Entrepreneurship lectures (+2 ECTS) - L2
        • Funding landscape (Equity, non-dilutive, debt, revenue, syndication tools)
        • When and why to raise money
        • Fundraising process overview
    21/10: Entrepreneurship lectures (+2 ECTS) - L3
        • Business plan definitions and examples
        • Cashflow, balance sheet, profit and loss worksheets
    04/11: Entrepreneurship lectures (+2 ECTS) - L4
        • Financial modelling
        • Art of the executive summary and pitch to investors
    11/11: Entrepreneurship lectures (+2 ECTS) - L5
        • Preparing your meeting with an investor 
    18/11: Entrepreneurship lectures (+2 ECTS) - L6
        • Buffer week
    02/12: Entrepreneurship lectures (+2 ECTS) - L7
        • Group pitch