Topic outline

  • General

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      Upload your LEARNING DIARIES here by FRI 17th Dec Assignment
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      Materials for FINAL CRITIQUE on Fri 10.12. 9.15-12.15 Assignment

      Upload your material for the final critique here by Fri 10.12. 9:00

      Critique in room: R028/Q202 Q202 Ryhmäopetus

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      URL icon
      GLASS CHALLENGE PHOTO SHOOTS, January 18.-20.1.2022 URL

      Book a slot for the photo shoots at January 18.-20.1.2022. Approx. 1,5h per person. It would be great if you could be there to help when Anne is taking pictures of your project but if you're unable to do so, please ask help from the others.

      Photographer is Anne Kinnunen and she works in the basement in Otakaari 1, A wing. Her contact info is on the google sheet.

      I know that it's rather early to book the slots yet but I wanted to make the google sheet before my Aalto contract ends & Aalto ID stops working.

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      Technical drawings of Väre lobby File
      Väre architect Jussi Palva sent these files of Väre lobby to help designing & visualising your project ideas.
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      Assignment icon
      material for FRIDAY 19th zoom-meeting with Peter Kuchinke Assignment

      Please upload your 1 page pdf-documents here by 19.11. 15:00

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      TRAVEL PLAN to Sweden File PDF

      Info on the ferry & train timetables

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      recording from lecture: Glass, light and public art - Case: Auringon laulu File MP4
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      Monday 15.11. presentations Assignment

      Upload your concept presentations in .pdf format here.

      Max. 3 pages, please!

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      COURSE SCHEDULE 2021, new update on 12.11. File PDF

      The schedule might need to be updated once or twice. I will inform you on the updates & upload a new version here.

      12.11. Update no 3: Re-scheduling the week 46 because of the problems with kiln casting molds.

      10.11. Update no 2: Merged the reading groups from 2 to 3

      2.11. Update no 1: Reading group slots updated so that each group has one late afternoon meeting

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      GLASS fusing, kiln casting etc. links File PDF

      List of links to videos good to watch before the 1st week's studio practices. '

      (Fusing, kiln casting etc.)

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      Course ASSIGNMENTS File PDF
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      FYI: Study material on the glass kiln casting technique

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      Course kick-off presentation 1.11.2021 File PDF
      Presentation from Monday 1.11.
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      Introduction to various studio techniques -lecture File PDF
      Lecture from 1.11.
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      How to get to the GLASS STUDIO File PDF
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      How to get to the FOUNDRY File PDF