
  • This section has three parts:
    Part 1: ABC of time management
    Part 2: Well planned is half done
    Part 3: Evaluating the schedule

    Joint workload is 10 hours.

    Start part 2 only when you have completed part 1 and so on. You can use the weekly plan or the timeline for this exercise. The submission box is same for both parts (at the end).

    After completing the section exercises, you are free to use the extra material to further improve your time management skills.

    Material is done in cooperation with Aalto study psychologists.

    • Introduction to Part 1: ABC of time management

      The exercises in this section will take up about 1.5 – 2 hours. Before you start doing them, read this page through carefully. As necessary, spread them over a period of a few days.

      "Being successful doesn’t make you manage your time well. Managing your time well makes you successful!"

      Randy Pausch, Time Management, 2007

      Read/listen to this article: https://www.npr.org/2020/09/11/911933161/how-to-make-the-most-of-online-college-this-fall


      Stop for a second to think about how your study year has been so far. Make a list either in your mind or on paper, of the time management challenges related to your life as a student. Think about what tips from the article are familiar to you and what do you still struggle with.

      Let’s focus on step 2, making a schedule!

    • Introduction to part 2: Well begun is half done


      This section will take you about 3–4 hours. If needed, you can spread this task over a few days.


      ’Failing to plan is planning to fail. Plan Each Day, Each Week, Each Semester. You can always change your plan, but only once you have one!’

      Randy Pausch, Time Management, 2007


      In part 1, you had a chance to look at time management challenges and to prioritise your tasks (following the ABC system).

      Now focus your attention on the coming week. What should you do during it? Organize the post-it notes to find the tasks that you need to do in the coming week.

      The next section includes practical tips on time management and instructions on making a weekly schedule.

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      Instructions on time management with the help of a timeline 

    • Introduction to part 3: Evaluate the schedule!

      The exercises in this section take 2 to 3 hours. They should be done 5 to 7 days after you began following the weekly schedule that you designed in Part 2.

      Part 3 gives you tips on how to evaluate your weekly plan and adjust it as you continue.

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      Instructions and matters to consider when evaluating your schedule

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      Use the weekly plan or timeline or any similar tool to make your time management exercise. Instructions here. After this use the time to evaluate your plan: what was easy, what difficult, where you could improve. Instructions here. Submit the timeline/weekplan and the reflection.

    • Extra: More tips on making schedules in the future