Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    This is the second half of the Intermediate Microeconomics course at Aalto. The course is taught by Marko Terviö. The course assistant is Eero Nurmi.

    The first half is taught in period 1, see https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=33228.

    Notice that passing the period 1 course is a mandatory requirement for being able to take the period 2 course. If your passing of period 1 is pending subject to the December retake exam then you can participate in the period 2 course.   

    Make sure to read the syllabus carefully before registering for this course (link in the side panel at MyCourses). Note that the ongoing Corona virus pandemic may still cause changes to course policies. 

    • Note on the textbook, Intermediate Microeconomics by Hal Varian. There are many editions and usually an older edition is just as good for the purposes of this course. (Older versions tend to be cheaper in the used book market!) The chapter numbering in the course schedule refers to the 9th edition. There is a version "with Calculus" and without; both have the same chapter structure. You may find the version without calculus more useful, if your objective is to pass the class. If your objective is to get a high grade (4 or better) I recommend the version "with Calculus".  If you are majoring in economics, I highly recommend that you obtain a personal copy of the latter version for reference in your future studies.