Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the course of 

    Thermal Energy Storage Systems

    Where you will learn to use these systems to solve real life Challenge!

    TES course introduction image

    Are you interested in decarbonising heating in the future?  Do you want to work on a real life challenge for future energy systems?

    In the future, it will be very important to better control thermal flows to be able to store heat using different solutions. On this course we will take holistic look on the future strategy on thermal energy flow control, including possible heat storage. This is not a topic for one particular discipline only and therefore we invite students from broad variety of backgrounds. We will have presentations from different disciplines from academia and industry. 

    On the Spring semester 2022 the course session are kept between 4th April to 18th May, 

    we will have a final session on project presentation on Monday 23rd May.  

    We will have physical contact sessions at Otaniemi on Monday from 14.15-16 and Wednesday 12.15-14 and you can find the preliminary contact session timetable at MyCourses "Contact Sessions".

     Completing the course will require active presence at the contact session and participating to the applied student work. If you have major obstacle with participation in Otaniemi, please contact the course assistant for special arrangements.

    Annukka, Sam and Sampson

    If you have any questions, please contact the course assistant Sampson (sampson.tetteh@aalto.fi)