
  • Pre-Thesis Seminar

    Teaching of the course will be organized remotely in the fall of 2021, according to Aalto university's guidelines. The main tool used will be Zoom-meetings. Possible tutorings in small groups will be separately announced. For information on using the school's facilities, please see: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopisk/Coronavirus+-+information+for+students

    Image: Carl-Viggo Holmebakk, sight apparatus.

    Course start on friday the 17th of September, at 15:15 https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66526805417

    Timetable for Thesis presentations during the Fall - try to visit these sessions and see what kinds of works your colleagues have been working with - and also this way, you will get to know how the event of Thesis presentation and examination proceeds: Thesis presentations Fall 2021

    The Pre-Thesis Seminar is a course aiming at helping you structure your thesis and your plan for getting it done - mainly it is aimed at students who have an idea of their thesis topic, may have started already working with it, and aim at getting it ready during the next semester.

    You should have an idea of your topic and interests, but even if your ideas are quite unformed at the moment, during the seminar we will work together to develop a plan and framework for you to approach your topic and complete your thesis.

    The result of the course will be the Thesis Report that contains:

    • A (preliminary) abstract of your thesis, describing concisely the topic, your methods for approaching it, the structure of your thesis, and the results of your work.
    • A review of the context of your thesis, whether the focus is on a design (references, etc.) or research (state of the art), or a combination of both.
    • A workplan and schedule for finishing your thesis.

    During the sessions, we will approach your topics through writing assignments, readings, and round table discussions.

    Schedule (A: Assignments; R: Readings) - subject to change NOTE CHANGES ON DATES 5.11. and 19.11.
    17.09. Lecture: Start of seminar. A1. & A2. given. R1. given. https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66526805417
    24.09. No session.
    01.10. Discussion: Thesis as Design / Research (based on A1. & R1.) R2. given. https://aalto.zoom.us/j/68006548834
    Discussion 1 Flinga https://flinga.fi/s/F6ZDDGL
    08.10. Visitors 1: Thesis presentations https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64722965818
    Jere Pääkkönen / ARCH -  Familiar discomfort – architecture in dystopian cinema 
    Hannin Alnimri / ARCH - Inner city life: A socially resilient development plan for the inner core of the city of Irbid 
    Otso Huhtala / ARCH - Helsinki Share house - yhteisöllinen asuintalo yksinasujille 
    15.10. Visitors 2: Thesis presentations https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66808317987
    Rosaliina Luminiitty / LAND - Integrating computational planting design to the landscape design process 
    Kaisla Rahkola / LAND - Menneisyyden jäljet – maisemahistoriallinen kertovuus Misi-Raa'an Luonnontuhopuistossa 
    Hemmo Honkonen / INT - Embossing wood - an exploration of thermo-hydro-mechanical processing of wood 

    22.10. Discussion: Contexts (based on A2.) Lecture: Intro on methods. A3. given. https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62191708056
    Discussion 2 Flinga https://flinga.fi/s/FMGTQDZ
    29.10. No session.
    05.11. No session. Start with A4. Nils Erik Wickberg Symposium 2021: Posthumanism and Architecture. http://www.newlectures.fi/en/
    12.11. Lecture: Design Research. Methodological Considerations (Antti Pirinen) https://aalto.zoom.us/j/67046906900
    Recording of the lecture (link active until 20.11.)
    19.11. Discussion: My Methods (based on A3.) Lecture: Archives. and Literature Review. https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69134634890
    Discussion 3 Flinga https://flinga.fi/s/FFXJE4A
    26.11. Discussion: My Materials (based on A4.) A5. given. https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66194902999
    Discussion 4 Flinga https://flinga.fi/s/FR7UMHD
    03.12. Lecture: Thesis Report. Lecture: Abstract. https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66642274378
    10.12. Training presentation & discussion. https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62068241250
    17.12. Discussion: The Thesis Report (based on A5.)

    The discussions in the schedule are always based on the previous assignments and/or readings:
    01.10. Discussion: Thesis as Design / Research (based on A1. & R1.)
    22.10. Discussion: Contexts (based on A2.)
    19.11. Discussion: My Methods (based on A3. & R2.)
    26.11. Discussion: My Materials (based on A4.)
    17.12. Discussion: The Thesis Report (based on A5.)