Topic outline

  • 中国文化课 Introduction to Chinese Culture

    Schedule: 01.10.2021 - 26.11.2021

    Learning outcomes

    Upon completion of the course, you will:

    - know the basics of Chinese culture and business etiquette
    - be able to describe life in China
    - understand something about Chinese dialects, regions and minorities
    - be acquainted with Chinese rituals, values and attitudes
    - be able to say some basic greetings and useful phrases


    The course is lecture and discussion-based, where students freely discuss topics given by the teacher. We will discuss for example the topics below:
    - How to do business with Chinese business etiquette and culture
    - The history and geography of China 
    - Regions and dialects, Chinese ethnic groups
    - How the ancient philosophies influence today's culture and people
    - Chinese popular culture and appropriate and welcome topics of conversation (e.g. gifts)

    • Lectures 24 h, active participation (20%) (Passing the course requires 80% attendance in class, which means that you can be absent 1,5 times)
      Classroom activities and group work (30%)
      Oral presentations (30%)
      An essay in English on a cultural topic (20%)


    Contact hours 24 hrs + independent work 57 hrs 

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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