
  • 课程介绍 Introduction to the course

    2021年9月14日 – 2021年12月7日

    Tuesday 16:30 – 18:45  

    Zoom (online)

    教师 :   Sari Elina Annala   sari.annala@aalto.fi     

    课本 course book:  吃了吗? Chi le ma? (Annala, Cheng, Palomäki) + audio

    Chapters 1 – 3

    Chi le ma

    Please note that this book is also used for all the following Chinese courses up to Chinese 4. 

    Audio recording material: https://digi.finnlectura.fi/products/901 OR download the Otso app for free.

    Course completion:

    • attending the lessons (36 h), absence of max. 25% times allowed, active participation (10%)
    • group work and assignments (40 %) 
    • presentations 30.11.2021 (5 分钟) (10 %)
    • oral exam (10%)
    • final exam 7.12.2021 (written exam) (30 %)

    评分 Grading: 1 – 5

    The first period will be online.
    If the requirements of the school allow, the exam will take place at the university premises.

    Please also consider taking the self study course Chinese Character course 1 (credits: 2 op).
    There will be only one meeting for Chinese Characters 1, which is on September 23, 8.00-9.30.

    You can also consider to take the Chinese culture course (3 op) starting in October:

    Attendance rate:
    You can be absent of a total of 9 lessons, one lesson is 45 min.

    If you do not need a grade/study points for this course, attendance is not important.