Topic outline

  • Presentations by students

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      You are Li PIng File PNG


      Li Ping: Good evening. Please come in and sit.


      Li Ping: I introduce you shortly. This is my father and mother. This is  my husband Wang Hai. He is a high school teacher.


      Li Ping: Hi! Welcome!


      Li Ping: Please sit. Please drink tea.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      You are Julia File PNG
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      You are GaoFeng File PNG
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      You are Maija File PNG

      Maija: Gao Feng, where are you going?

      Gao Feng:…

      Maija: Where do you live?

      Gao Feng: …

      Maija: Are you living alone?

      Gao Feng: …

      Maija: I am busy. I have a lot of homework. I go back to school to study. How about you?

      Gao Feng…

      Maija: See you tomorrow!

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      Words 2 File MP3
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      Listening 3 File MP3