
  • 欢迎参加中文七网课

    Credits: 3 (workload: 24 hrs contact teaching + 57 hrs independent and group work)

    授课老师:     程金华 Cheng Jinhua (Jinhua.cheng@aalto.fi )    

    课程材料:     All teaching materials prepared by the teacher.

    上课时间:  12.1.– 9.3.2022 at 星期三 15.15–17.30

    课程链接 /Join Zoom Meeting:https://aalto.zoom.us/j/65569094485?pwd=cmhhWHNUVjFSVGl5c0hITVFucW1NZz09

    课程特点  针对B2水平的商务汉语会话+写作课!(书面交流 + 口头交流)

    The course trains the student's work-presentation and writing skills.

    评估标准 Course completion methods:

    Active discussion, oral presentations and Portfolio writing tasks

    出勤率 Zoom lessons 9 times in total

    10%, absence of 2 times allowed

    学习日记 (个人 + 小组作业) 
    Portfolio assignments
    (individual + group work) 
    Portfolio return  20.3

    • 演讲 Presentation on 16.2
    • 口试 Oral test on 9.3

    20 %


    • 商务汉语
    • 语法
    • 连续剧词汇
    • 日常对话