Osion kuvaus

  • Startseite


    This beginners' course starts on Monday 10th of January 2022

    online in ZOOM.

    This is an intensive course and we have two online meetings per week:
    Montag 10:15 - 11:45 Uhr und Donnerstag 12:30 - 14 Uhr

    The progression is very fast: 2 chapters per week. If the tempo is too demanding, consider to change the group to another beginners course that gives you two periods time for the same book.

    We use the textbook Freut mich 1 (FinnLectura), please make sure to get the book beforehand. You need it already to prepare for our first lesson.

    The text book is in Finnish, but English translations are provided here in MyCourses. Teaching languages are English, Finnish and - of course German : )
    Kontaktiopetus 24 h ja itsenäinen opiskelu 57 h. Säännöllinen ja aktiivinen osallistuminen tuntityöskentelyyn sekä kirjalliset tehtävät (30%) ja kirjalliset kokeet + suulliset tehtävät (70 %).
    An attendance of at least 80% in the online meetings is mandatory.

    Bis bald / see you soon / nähdään pian!

    • You will find the link to our Zoom meetings and a file with the plan for each lesson below here on this "Startseite".

      After our lesson I will update it, add homework tasks for you to prepare for the next meeting and transfer the file to the sections on the left.

      So: if you want to check what we did in our first meeting, look for the Pdf in "Lektion 1" (on the left)


    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään H05 (SISU)
      2. Test Quiz -tehtävä

      Lektion 7 - 12

    • First German in a nutshell

      (Things you should know)

    • here you find all courses related dates and grading criterias

    • Wie schreibt man eine Mail auf Deutsch?

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      MyCourses-materiaalien rakenne Sivu
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Structure of the MyCourses-materials Sivu