UWAS-C0059 - Film, Work and Anthropocene, Lecture, 28.2.2022-30.3.2022
This course space end date is set to 30.03.2022 Search Courses: UWAS-C0059
Topic outline
Photo: Film still of Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance, Godfrey Reggio
In this course, we use films to construct how work and the economy have produced and shaped the Anthropocene. We also unpack ideals, ideologies, and imaginaries in the relations human/non-human/nature. By doing this, we also aim to scrutinize, question, construct, and make visible our agency as creative workers in this contemporary era.How have we entered and existed in the Anthropocene and how could we exit the Anthropocene? Deepening and answering these questions in the course will offer clues for eco-social change.Find the main course details and practicalities on the extended syllabus linked below.
All course materials and announcements will be accessible in this MyCourses this page.
Teachers: Inês Peixoto (ines.peixoto@aalto.fi) and Eeva Houtbeckers (eeva.houtbeckers@aalto.fi)
For questions during the course, please post a message in the Q&A Forum (it's more efficient to help colleagues with similar questions). For individual / private matters, please e-mail the teachers.
Extended course syllabus File PDF
Announcements Forum
Course Q&A Forum
Impressions & Reflections about the Films Forum