UWAS-C0071 - Horses and Built Environment, Lecture, 22.4.2022-27.5.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 27.05.2022 Etsi kursseja: UWAS-C0071
Osion kuvaus
Hi all,
I’m Eero Yli-Vakkuri and responsible for the course together with Pietari Kylmälä. This texts offers some preliminary information and we will send more details before the course starts. We will work outdoors at the Kaarelan ratsutalli. The site is best reached from the Kannelmäki or Malminkartano train stops (A/B Zone) or by bike. This course will be organized outdoors and require physical presence. Do not hesitate to be in contact regarding course practicalities.
- Kaarelan Ratsutalli Oy. Address: Kartanonkaari 19, 00410 Helsinki
- Questions? +358505729743 or email eero //ät storijapan.net
We will work outdoors, at a temporary camp which we will set up in woods close to the stables. We can use the restroom at the Kaarelan ratsutalli but most of our discussions, practical work and presentations will be held outdoors. As our days are short, please bring your own snacks and a cold lunch. The horse handling bits will be taught by the stable owner Johanna Svahn, who will also guide physical labor chores we will perform as a part of our course (riding dates will be announced later).
There is plenty of time to prepare wardrobe & gear: Work boots (wellingtons are fine), raincoat/pants, work-gloves, cold lunch and snacks. A cup for coffee and a notebook or smartphone for documentation.
We communicate via emails and use on online-document as a collective study-journal, for sharing links and engaging in discussions. The document will be edited into a small publication (zine) which will be made accessible for the public after the course.The course will follow the Aalto guidelines for COVID response and the stable has implemented guidelines for social distancing which we will follow when working on site. We will only use the mycourses-portal for grading as communications are best organized by emails.
Eero & Pietari