Topic outline

  • SAE module 2nd round starts on Mon April 25, 2022 for those who did not complete the SAE module in fall 2021 (or want to redo). Welcome! 

    Planned deadlines (DLs):

    • 1st batch of DLs: Thu 5.5.
    • 2nd batch of DLs: Mon 16.5.
    • 3rd batch of DLs: Thu 26.5.

    List of some recommended journals from Aalto CHEM majors here 

    (total effort 22 h, corresponding to 0.8 ECTS) 

    • SAE: Getting started 

    • Not available unless: Your User account contains (use: contains
      Page icon
      Six short video lectures related to scientific articles, SAE module [page]
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      Forum icon
      SAE Round B announcements Forum
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Page icon
      SAE: Lists, templates, guidelines, links, ... [page]

      Core links also here for quick access:

      [If you notice a missing item or ill-working link, please contact Riikka Puurunen (email works fine & quick)]

    • MyCo items for students to complete

    • Activity items, 1st batch of DLs (Items 2 & 3), DL Thu 5.5.

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      Assignment icon
      3 Return a publisher-formatted pdf of your article [Assignment] DL Thu 5.5.
    • Activity items, 2nd batch of DLs (Items 4-9), DL Mon 16.5.

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      Workshop icon
      4 Return your SAE report for peer evaluation [Workshop] DL 16.5. & 26.5.

      All reports should be named so that the filename starts with your unique code and contains “SAE-report” in the name. You may add optional text, as you like. Example: A01_SAE-report_…<add-text-here-if-you-like>….pdf.   

      Note: Peer evaluation will later use this same Workshop item! DL for Item 4, peer evaluation: 26.5. 

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      Turnitin Assignment 2 icon
      5 Return your SAE report for plagiarism check [Turnitin] DL 16.5. Turnitin Assignment 2

      Note: After (i) returning your SAE report for plagiarism check in this item, you need to (ii) fetch a plagiarism check report from Turnitin and return it in Item 10 (a receipt is not needed) 

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      URL icon
      6 Reference formatting: Enter your bibliographic entry into the collective summary [URL] DL 16.5.

      Teachers's marks after giving points: here.

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      URL icon
      7 Co-creation, article statistics: add your row in the collective summary table [URL] DL 16.5.
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      URL icon
      8 Co-creation, figures: add your pick in the collection [URL] DL 16.5.
    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      URL icon
      9 Co-creation, tables: add your pick in the collection [URL] DL 16.5.
    • Activity items, 3rd batch of DLs (Item 4 peer evaluation & Item 10), DL Thu 26.5. 

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B

      Item 4/2 reminder! Peer evaluation in Workshop, Item 4, DL 26.5.

    • Not available unless: You belong to SAE Group B
      Assignment icon
      10 Return your Turnitin report pdf [Assignment] DL 26.5.

      (Related to Item 5.) Note: Do not return the *receipt* from Turnitin, but the *report*. The report shows shows matches comparing your current work with previously published works.