CHEM-E0105 - Academic Learning Community, Lecture, 20.9.2021-29.4.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 29.04.2022 Etsi kursseja: CHEM-E0105
Osion kuvaus
Zoom -link to the online sessions:
Meeting ID: 647 6493 9187
Passcode: 871717The teachers carrying out the practical teaching in this module are Rinna Toikka and Henni Kervinen from the Language Centre. The intended learning outcomes of this module are:
After succesfully completing the Communication Skills module, the students
- have improved their skills and competences in communication and collaboration in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment
- can identify possible further development needs and are ready to make a
plan for enhancing their personal communication skills and competences
- Participate two communication workshops
- Finish two assignments
Communication Skills: Assignment 1 TehtäväHere are seven interviews with graduates from Aalto School of Chemical Engineering (or from its predecessors). Watch the interviews and write a short reflection (200-250 words) answering the following questions:
a) Which communication skills at work seem most relevant for you after watching the interviews and why? Name three most relevant ones and give a short explanation on each.
b) Reflect on your own communication skills based on your previous experience at work and in your studies. What are your strengths and which skills would you like to improve next?
c) (Optional) Was there something in the interviews that surprised you or that you found confusing?
Please submit your reflection here no later than Monday 15 Nov.
Alumni interviews Sivu
Click the links on this page and watch short video interviews with our School's alumi. The theme of the interviews is "Working-life communication skills".
Communication Skills: Assignment 2 Keskustelualue
Prepare a pitch about yourself and record it with your phone/laptop/iPad. This assignment has four parts a), b), c) and d). Please read the instructions carefully until the end.
a) Think of a job position / role you would like to apply for in the future. Make it as specific as possible: which company, which industry, what kind of role, what kind of tasks? Do some research on possible companies / organizations and see what they do and think how your skills would fit their needs. You could even look for an interesting currently open position.
b) Once you have decided the position and company you will target your pitch to, prepare the content of your pitch. You may find the following questions helpful:
· Who are you, what is your field, what are you interested in? What have you studied? What have you learned? What do you find particularly interesting in your field and why? What is your work experience? What would you like to do in the future? What can you offer to the company, why should they hire you? You can think about this as a short introduction of your skills, previous experiences, and future aspirations. Practice being concise yet concrete and compelling in your speech.
c) After you have outlined your pitch, record it with your phone/laptop/iPad. The pitch should be no longer than two minutes, but a shorter one of around one minute is preferred. This exercise aims to help you practice summarizing and conveying your message in a short amount of time.
Submit your pitch by Wednesday 1st Dec to both your assigned group and Henni ( You should submit by sharing a link to your video. You can use e.g., Aalto’s Panopto system ( to record and share the video. Alternatively, you can also use YouTube, Vimeo or any platform you prefer, but please do not send the entire file, only a link. Please make sure that others have sufficient rights to watch the video.
d) Watch your groups’ videos before Workshop 2 and write 1-2 paragraphs of “feed forward” to each of your group members. (This is so that you can share this feedback during the workshop - you do not need to submit this beforehand.)
· What worked for you and why?
· What sparked your interest/curiosity? What was interesting to hear?
· Which examples worked for you / were convincing? Would you like to hear more examples and on which themes?
· Did you miss something?
· What would be your suggestion / idea to add or change if this was to be reworked?
Slides / workshop 1 Tiedosto PDF
Instructions for the essay to compensate absence Tiedosto PDF
Article for the compensating essay Tiedosto PDF