LC-9080 - Chinese 8 HSK 3-6 Training Course (o,w), Lecture, 16.3.2022-27.4.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 27.04.2022 Etsi kursseja: LC-9080
Osion kuvaus
Complete THREE HSK sample tests from the following link:
- HSK Test – Free Chinese Test online (All Levels) - Mandarin Bean
- HSK learning resources - Confucius Institute 曼彻斯特大学孔子学院 - The University of Manchester
Write a learning diary and upload your answer at Portfolio folder.
HSK 2-3 提交学习日记/Portfoliotehtävien palautuskansio
Deadline: 18.4
Complete THREE HSK sample tests from the following link:
- HSK Test – Free Chinese Test online (All Levels) - Mandarin Bean
- HSK learning resources - Confucius Institute 曼彻斯特大学孔子学院 - The University of Manchester
upload the answers of your writing exercises (只上传书写部分的答案)
Example: HSK 4-6 提交学习日记/Portfoliotehtävien palautuskansio
Deadline: 18.4
Read 6-20 HSK reading texts from the link below (All Lessons - Mandarin Bean) and write a learning diary.
Upload your learning diary at:
Deadline: 27.4. -
Complete HSK grammar your own level test at:
Chinese Grammar with Rules and Interactive Exercises - Mandarin Bean
Write a learning diary and upload on MyCourses: