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  • Yleinen

    ZOOM LINK FOR 15.2. practicalities session and lectures: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/66579310947?pwd=ZjdYQ1FQYUt1UTdPTElCUGdIajdOUT09
    (the link is the same for all lectures and sessions)

    Welcome to the home page of TU-E2031 - Advanced Project-based Management D, Spring 2022 (5 cr)! 

    For detailed (and the most recent) information about the course, schedule, deadline, grading, and what conducting the course requires from the student, PLEASE CLICK “15.2. Course practicalities lecture”; you will find there the recorded practicalities lecture and slides.  

    GENERAL OVERVIEW: (but for a detailed overview, CLICK “15.2. Course practicalities lecture”)

    Class sessions will be held in period IV on Mondays and Thursdays (schedule below).

    • The format of class sessions will likely be online/remote in Zoom (will be confirmed later in the Spring)
    • Students are required to start studying for the course already at the end of period III, by completing the following activities (more information below):

    1.     Participating in the introductory lecture that covers all course practicalities (date 15.2.2022, recording available afterward in MyCourses)

    2.     Forming student groups (3-person ea.) for mandatory weekly case assignments that take place in period IV

    3.     Watching orientation videos about “Project Business” before the class sessions start in period IV

    4.     Studying carefully the pre-materials for the first class session

    Participation in the class sessions is not mandatory but is naturally highly recommended for your learning experience. Furthermore, active participation in these sessions affects student’s grading. Only students who participate in class sessions live can submit a learning diary (reflection report after each session that positively affects grading (detailed information TBA later)).

    PERIOD-III LEARNING ACTIVITIES (more detailed info):

     1. “How to complete the course: APM course practicalities” lecture on 15.2.2022 (Tue) at 16.15-18.00 in Zoom. This lecture is recorded and published in MyCourses, so if you cannot participate session, you can watch this later. The teachers are present at the lecture and available to discuss with students and answer questions.

    2. Information about the case assignment group (3 persons) formation will be provided during the introductory lecture on 15.2.2022. DL for forming groups is on Sunday 27.2.2022.

    3. Pre-recorded lecture videos on the “Project business” theme, and instructions on how to watch these videos and write a short reflection, will be available in MyCourses on 15.2.2022.

    4. The pre-study materials for the first session week and the first case assignment will be published in MyCourses on Tuesday 22.2.2022. These materials and the first case assignment will be discussed in the first class session (lecture) on Monday 28.2. The deadline for submitting the first case assignment is on Wed 2.3.2022 at 20.00 hours. The learnings and the case solution are discussed on Thursday 3.3. session (debriefing).


    Class sessions in period IV on Mondays and Thursdays:

    • Monday lectures (28.2. – 4.4.2022) at 12:15-14:00 (total of 6 times)
    • Thursday debriefing (3.3. – 7.4.2022) at 12:15-14:00 (total of 6 times)

    Case assignment submission deadlines (in groups of 3 students) are always on Wednesdays at 20.00 hours (8 PM) each week. The pre-materials for each week’s theme and sessions, and the case assignment, are published in MyCourses after the previous week’s class session on Thursday. The material and issues related to the case assignment are discussed on the Monday session (lecture), and the learnings from the theme and the student groups’ case assignment solutions are discussed on the Thursday session (debriefing).

    Note that the student groups’ case assignments for week 1 are due already by Wed 2.3.2022 at 20.00 hours, so you must form groups and start studying the materials for the first class week in due time, i.e., well before the start of the session weeks of period IV.

    The schedule of class sessions in period IV:

    Week 01 theme: “Managing time”


    • Lecture on 28.2. (Mon) at 12:15-14:00
    • Debriefing on 3.3. (Thu) at 12:15-14:00

    Week 02 theme: “Different project types and different management approaches”


    • Lecture on 7.3. (Mon) at 12:15-14:00
    • Debriefing on 10.3. (Thu) at 12:15-14:00

    Week 03 theme: “Managing risk and uncertainty”


    • Lecture on 14.3. (Mon) at 12:15-14:00
    • Debriefing on 17.3. (Thu) at 12:15-14:00

    Week 04 theme: “Buying projects and subprojects”


    • Lecture on 21.3. (Mon) at 12:15-14:00
    • Debriefing on 24.3. (Thu) at 12:15-14:00

    Week 05 theme: “Selling projects and subprojects”


    • Lecture on 28.3. (Mon) at 12:15-14:00
    • Debriefing on 31.3. (Thu) at 12:15-14:00

    Week 06 theme: “Managing project networks and external environment”


    • Lecture on 4.4. (Mon) at 12:15-14:00
    • Debriefing on 7.4. (Thu) at 12:15-14:00


    In addition to weekly group case assignments, students must complete an individual course assignment. The deadline for submitting the individual assignment is on Tuesday 12.04.2022 at 20:00. Detailed instructions will be published in MyCourses on 15.2.2022.


    You can contact any of us for your questions, and we are happy to discuss with you about any issue regarding this course or your studies on projects and project business.

    Karlos Artto, responsible teacher and lecturer (firstname.surname at aalto.fi)

    Jere Lehtinen, course lecturer (jere.j.lehtinen at aalto.fi)

    Tom Olsson, course assistant and lecturer (firstname.surname at aalto.fi)

    Tero Haahtela, course assistant and lecturer (firstname.surname at aalto.fi)

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