
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
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      Final Report (all groups) Mapp
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Execution plan Inlämningsuppgift
    • Turnitin Uppgift icon
      Final Report Turnitin Uppgift

      Submit the final report (in one PDF format).

      It should be submitted by a group representative. (one submission per a group)

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      PPT Slide and Code Inlämningsuppgift

      Slides for the final presentation (in PDF format) and codes used to generate results.

      The codes should be zipped into one file.