Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    On the course there are two teachers Hanna Saarikoski and Jukka Lehtinen who will be teaching as a team in two different classrooms. The classrooms are A304-A307(2D studio)  and A308-A309 (3D studio). They are  next to each other in the third floor (Otakaari 1X). The  classrooms are equipped with  the basic materials and tools you will need on the course.

    Contact details: Hanna: +358407308481

                              Jukka: + 358503366031

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    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Independent assignment Tehtävä

      This course contains 33h of independent study, which are intended for the following assignment:

      Visit at least five art exhibitions or explore (at least five) exhibitions via art blogs or sites online. This MyCourses site has a section “Museums & galleries + blogs”, in case you need assistance locating art spaces in Helsinki or online platforms (you are free to visit/explore other spaces also).  Make an art piece based on what you have encountered. This piece doesn’t have to mimic anything that you came across, or it can be a copy of something. You choose : ) Also, you can use what material and technique you wish. Install the piece in a location (indoor or outdoor) that supports or enhances your content and take photos of the piece. Choose 3 to 5 photos and upload them here by the latest of 5th of December.

      The assignments will be review together as a group  the  8th of December from 9:15-12.00 at the auditorium U135a. Be prepared to say few sentences which exhibitions you visited  and your experiences & thoughts about them. Describe also your process and choice of location for your work.

      NB: remember to comply with the existing Covid-19 restrictions when visiting the exhibitions. Check up also Aalto University's Covid-19 guidelines from HERE.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opettaja
      Loppuarviointi Tehtävä