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      The course Full Stack Web Development is offered by the University of Helsinki (see

      Note that this version of the course is available only until 31.7.2022. See more details at the bottom.

      It is offered fully online. To complete the course and include it into your studies at Aalto, attend the course as follows.

      Complete the course following the guidelines at, also taking the exam at the University of Helsinki. Contrary to the guidelines on the site, take the course with at least 5 ECTS (i.e. the 3 ECTS version is not accepted). Once you have completed the course, submit the course certificate and a link to "opintopolku" (My Studyinfo service) that contains the official certificate.

      Guidelines for "opintopolku" are as follows:

      Completed studies are entered into the My Studyinfo service which is maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education. You can use them to evidence your studies, for example, to institutions of education or employers.

      The My Studyinfo service contains all of your rights to study and completed studies at institutions of higher education from 1995 onwards.

      • To get a certificate from My Studyinfo, log in to the My Studyinfo with online banking codes, Mobile ID or an ID card with a chip.
      • After you have logged in to My Studyinfo, you will receive a link for saving the information on your completed studies or sharing it with other people or organisations, share that link to us.

      Note that after 31.7.2022, the course CS-E4670 is no longer available. As of 1.8.2022, a course with the code CS-E4675 will replace the course CS-E4670. The maximum ECTS available for CS-E4675 will be 7 ECTS credit points. If you plan to complete the course after 31.7., enroll to CS-E4675 once it becomes available.