
  • Welcome to Expressing your Idea!

    Girl holding light bulb sign

    (Image: Andrea Piacquadio, 2020, Pexels Free License)

    LCA-1001 - Expressing your Idea (o,w), Lecture, 19.4.2022-2.6.2022

    Date of course:  19.4.2022-2.6.202

    No lesson 24.05.

    Time  15.15–17.45

    Day:  Tuesdays and Thursdays,

    Room Posti -  U259 

    Teacher. Malachy Halpin malachy.halpin@aalto.fi

    This course introduces written and oral communication principles and strategies for professional and academic purposes.

    Students begin by choosing an idea (academic concept) that motivates their work from their own field of study. 

    Students will lead a discussion on their idea in small groups. Based on their idea, students will write a 500-600 word, analysis of an art or design concept .

    As part of the learning process, students analyze presentations to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, as well as practice organizing and presenting information clearly to a non-expert audience. 

    Students work individually, in pairs, and in small groups throughout this course to develop their speaking and writing skills. Moreover, students give and receive constructive feedback on their work and revise it accordingly.


    • Small-group instruction 30
    • Independent study 51

    Grading 1 – 5

    5 93 – 100

    4 85 – 92

    3 77 – 84

    2 69 – 76

    1 61 – 68

     Attendance and absences

    • Participants are allowed two absences; each additional absence (=90 min lesson) reduces the total points by 5%.

    Preparatory assignments

    • must be completed on time. Late submissions are not accepted.
    • No make-up work is possible.
    • Must be rewritten according to the teacher's feedback and resubmitted. 
    • teacher feedback on two written assignments

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