LCA-1002 - Expressing your Expertise (o,w), Lecture (integrated with Thematic Studio 1), 1.3.2022-7.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 07.04.2022 Search Courses: LCA-1002
Topic outline
Read and watch this material on giving a presentation, including audience and purpose, structure, intros and conclusions. This prepares you for the three quizzes below.
In the videos for Week 2, you heard a lot about the importance of attention grabbers/hooks. Now watch the intros in the quiz and decide what techniques the speakers use for attracting the audience's attention. Note, the speakers utilize several methods.
Establishing credibility is also an important part of the introduction to a presentation. Its purpose is to convince your audience that you are an authoritative speaker whose message can be trusted. Watch the talks again and decide how the speakers establish credibility