Osion kuvaus

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    io0 In this course, you've already written one blog post, where you reflected on your digital skills pertaining to the digital assessment you took. 
    For these last two blog posts  (4 and 5), you'll write about topics from your field of study that are useful for you. The target length of each blog post (i.e., 4 and 5) is approximately 400 words . In other words, the combined total (for Blog posts 4 and 5) is approximately 800 words. You'll receive teacher feedback on Blog post 4  and Blog post 5 will be graded (15 points maximum). The grading criteria for Blog post 5 are linked to the instructions below.

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      Follow these instructions for writing Blog posts 4 and 5. Note: The grading rubric for blog post 5 is linked to the instructions.

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      This assignment box serves two purposes, a place to: 1) submit your completed writing organizer (5 pts), post your blog on time (10 pts) and 3) get teacher feedback on your writing, so that you can implement the suggested improvements into writing Blog post 5. 

      Remember to post and publish Blog post 4 so that your peers can also view it and leave comments. 

      A total of 15 pts maximum.  Note: 1 pt will be deducted for Blog post 4 if submitted more than one day late. 

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      No need to submit anything to this assignment box. The purpose of this box is issue points for Blog post 5, which is graded using the rubric linked to Blog post 4 & 5 instructions. Maximum points: 15.

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      For Blog posts 4 and 5, your assignment is to comment the blogs of two peers (four peers in total).  Ideally, comment on posts that haven’t yet received comments. Respond to the question your peer raises and comment on two points (one plus and one minus) from this checklist. Your comments should aim to contribute new information.

      Here, submit your Blog Comments Tracker - updated with your comments on the blogs of four peers (two for Blog 4 and two for Blog 5).

    • Review the related materials (below)
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      Spoken and written communication is often described as using four rhetorical modes: descriptive, expository, narrative, and persuasive. Each one of these modes has specific  characteristics. Note, however, that a text or speech may combine these modes. This may also be the case with your spoken and written blog posts. To understand more about the four modes, click on the links below.