DOM-E5152 - Introduction to Creative Coding, Lecture, 14.9.2021-1.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 01.10.2021 Search Courses: DOM-E5152
Let's get started! Outline of the course, requirements, expected learning outcomes. Introduction to programming (see slides below).
Exercise in pairs: writing instructions. What makes for good instructions?
Finding your way around in the Processing editor. Making sure everyone has a working environment for real use.
Special characters
… and how to type them on your keyboard. We’ll need many of these when typing in our programs, since they have special meanings. Finnish translations for the non-obvious ones included (the tips work for a Finnish Mac keyboard):
- parentheses ( )
- square brackets (hakasulut) [ ] – alt-8, alt-9
- braces/curly brackets (aaltosulut) { } – alt-shift-8, alt-shift-9
- asterisk *
- slash (kauttaviiva) /
- pipe (putki) | – alt-7
- ampersand &
- equal sign, “is” =
- colon :
- semicolon ;
- comma ,
- hash (“risuaita”) #
- tilde (“mato”) ~ – alt-^-space
- single quote (heittomerkki) ‘ – note that this is not the same as accent ´
- double quote (lainausmerkki) “
- less/greater than < >
Program flow
Statements are executed (“run”) sequentially line by line. The order of the statements is crucial: changing it will result in completely different end results. Comparable to a cake recipe: there’s ingredients (data) and instructions what to do (program code, statements).