Osion kuvaus

  • This week you will learn more about what Fab Academy is and pick up additional skills that are going to help you with documentation later in the course.


    Wed 26 Jan 16:00 (online, global)
    Principles and Practices, Project Management by Prof. Neil Gershenfeld.

    Thu 27 Jan 15:00 (online, local)
    We will cover one of the following

    • Image and video optimization techniques.
    • Using Bootstrap 5.0 to spice up your website.
    • Tehtävä icon
      Assignment 03: Project Management Tehtävä

      Please complete the following tasks.

      • Create a page for the project management assignment on your website.
      • Describe how you created your website on that page.
      • Describe how you use Git and GitLab to manage files in your repository.
        This assignment will be graded in the scale from 0 - 5.

      • Verkko-osoite icon

        A short video tutorial introducing how to use existing themes with Hugo

      • Verkko-osoite icon

        This video covers image and video optimization basics.

      • Verkko-osoite icon

        This video covers how to use Bootstrap 5 with Hugo static website generator.

      • Verkko-osoite icon

        This video covers Git and GitLab CI basics in the context of the Digital Fabrication / Fab Academy courses.