
  • This week you are going to dive deeper into topics related to version control and web design along with tips that will help to plan your assignment work better. This week overlaps with the Student Bootcamp week of the Fab Academy which means we will join one of the global sessions on Wednesday. This will be your first contact with the global Fab Academy community.


    Wed 19 Jan 16:00 (global, online)
    Joining one of the global Student Bootcamp sessions.

    Thu 20 Jan 15:00 (local, online)
    Reviewing websites.
    [We will do it on Mon 24 Jan instead] Using the Hugo static website generator.


    Watch the videos listed below.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Assignment 02: Principles and Practices Inlämningsuppgift

      Create a sketch and describe an idea of your final project. Do the following.

      • Add a Final Project page on your website
      • Add a visual sketch of your final project idea to the Final Project page.
      • Describe your final project. The description should be at least one paragraph long.
      • Submit a link to the Final Project page on your website.
      This assignment is pass/fail.