
  • General (updated 5.9.2021)


    Thesis Plan Orientation is a 2 credit course that prepares students to the thesis process in the Department of Design. Course is compulsory to all CODE, COID, CS, FACT and IDBM students in the department. 

    Student has to have TPO in their Personal Study Plan in Sisu in order to register and participate in the course. Registration opens 9.8.21. 

    Student registers in Sisu to one of the two alternative study options:

    1) MUO-E0011 Thesis Plan Orientation, Lecture 6.9.2021-10.9.2021. This is intensive contact teaching course in Zoom.

    (Link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62894107022?pwd=VmhMeWVlSlNtUmNmWVQ3elpKcFNqUT09 / Meeting ID: 628 9410 7022 / Passcode: TPO2021)

    2) MUO-E0011 Thesis Plan Orientation, Essay 6.9.2021-3.6.2022. This is self-paced course done by writing a set of course-assignments and answering a quiz.

    Both courses include the same set of pre-assignments.