MUO-E1051 - Wearable Technology and Functional Wear D, Lecture, 13.9.2021-28.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 28.10.2021 Search Courses: MUO-E1051
Topic outline
Here you can find course schedule, some changes might come
What interest you most in wearable electronics or in functional wear or in functional materials?
What thoughts and ideas comes from lectures? Find out more information.
Make small slide show and present your interests to other students.
Max 5 minutes presentation
Presentations at deadline Thursday 16.9 at 9.15 – 12 at zoom
Presentations meaning is to guide students to form groups with similar interests
deadline Thursday 16.9 at 9.15 – 12 at zoom -
2. Main concept design
You can either choose Wearable project or Functional wear project or you can combine those topics
Wearable projects are made in teams; form student group of 3-4 persons with similar interests but good to have different skills
Functional projects can be done alone or in teams
Present your concept Thursday 23.9 at 9.00-12 at zoom
download also here
User / Context
Observe or interview your concept's users / context
Ask or observe questions like:
What kind of movement or activity user needs to do
What is the environment/situation
How do you take care of the clothes /accessories
What specific need you have for clothing / accessories /textiles
What role has the style /attitude/message for user
Look Natalia Särmäkari video lecture about user research if not familiar before
download 1-2 page more detailed presentation here
Write/note after each lecture / prototyping for yourself
What you have learned
What goals you had today and did you achieve them
What are the next steps
What are the main problems in project
take photos during process
Write to us after course based on your documentation:
What you have learned
How did the process go? Decision making, questions and problem solving during process.
How user or context research affected to process?
What could be done different way?
What succeeded well?
describe your role in team
Final submitted working diary; 4-6 pages with process pictures pdf format
Recording of the presentation in Panopto:
Video recording of the lecture: