
    • Our oral exam is a 15 minute one on one chat with Mari. Below are some suggested time slots for you to book.

      Note that the time zone is shown below according to the time zone that you have set for MyCourses, not necessarily Finnish time. If you're easily confused by time zones like I am, send me a note to double check that we're on the same page. 

      If none of the suggested times work for you, email me at mari.nikonen@aalto.fi to set up your exam. 

      A general note on oral exams:

      Oral exams might sound scary, but have no fear - remember that this is your very first beginner's course, so my expectation is that I'll need to ask questions many times, repeat, you can ask for clarification, we can speak English as well as Finnish. You'll do great if you've put in the work in class beforehand, and even if you haven't, you'll be just fine!
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
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      Oral exam schedule - Suullisten tenttien aikataulu Tidsbokning