Topic outline

  • Welcome to Finnish 2 with Mari Nikonen!

    This is the workspace for the Aalto Open University course Finnish 2 web course Sept-Nov 2021.

    Teaching time
    Lectures are held in Mondays and Wednesdays at 16.30-18.00

    Course examination will be on 15.11.2021
    Re-examination will be on 15.12.2021.

    • Löydät jokaisen tapaamisen tehtävät ja materiaalit vasemmalta tapaamisen päivämäärän kohdalta. 

      You will find each Zoom meeting's materials on the left. Click the meetings date to access the materials. (If you can't see anything, make sure you've clicked the orange square!)

    • Kysymyksiä, kommentteja? Kirjoita ne tänne! Questions, comments? Write them here!

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Suullisen tentin ajanvaraus - Oral exam schedule Scheduler