Topic outline

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      This is a coding exercise. Define a new class in Python with few attributes and one method. In the main part of the program, create multiple instances of this class, save them in a list, and run a method for every instance. Your class can be anything.

      Simple example

      • Point - Attributes of a point object are its x, y and z coordinates. The method could be to draw the point in Rhino at said coordinates.

      Submission format

      Single Python file

      Submission deadline

      Tuesday 28.09.2021 - 12:00

    • Assignment icon


      Model a simple object using components in Grasshopper. Use geometric primitives (cubes, lines, curves…) with simple transformations (moving, rotation, scaling…)  to achieve your goal. Make the parameters that control the object geometry explicit (with number sliders and connections between components).

      Simple examples

      • Drinking cup - parametrize the diameter, cup thickness, height, handle position, size…
      • Stone arch - parametrize dimensions of the arch, position and size of the opening…
      • Primitive hut - parametrize height, length and width of the hut, shape of the roof, position and size of windows and doors…

      Submission format

      Single Grasshopper file

      Submission deadline

      Tuesday 28.09.2021 - 12:00

    • Assignment icon


      Parametrize a cube modified by simple operations (at least 3 different ones). Use the Biomorph plugin for Grasshopper to visualize variations of the model. Export 100 variations and lay them out on a 10 x 10 grid for the review on Tuesday.

      Simple examples

      • Splitting the cube with a number of orthogonal planes, then individually rotating each piece using orthogonal angles (even if the pieces self-intersect in the end), and translating them for some discrete amounts.
      • Rebuilding the cube with a certain amount of control points, then applying twisting, rotation and translation to those points, producing a deformed object.
      • Carving the cube with simple primitive volumes (which have their own shape, scale, rotation and position) using boolean difference, then performing the same operations but with boolean union, adding the volumes to the carved-out cube. Boolean union can be performed as well with the copies of the carved-out cube itself which are spatially rotated and scaled around the object’s center of mass.


      “Operative Design” by Anthony di Mari and Nora Yoo, 2012

      “Atlas of Novel Tectonics” by Jesse Reiser and Nanako Umemoto, 2006

      Submission format

      JPG image with 10 x 10 square layout of 100 design variations


      Submission deadline

      Tuesday 05.10.2021 - 12:00

    • Assignment icon


      Take 3 reference models and fit them in the smallest possible box aligned to world axes. Use Galapagos, which is a revolutionary solver for Grasshopper, to find the best solution. The size of the objects is fixed (use the reference Rhino file provided through the link in the title) but you can change position and rotation for every object. Objects are not allow to overlap or nest (one object inside another). The student who finds the bounding box with the smallest volume wins a prize!

      Hint: your Galapagos gene pool will have 18 sliders - 6 DOF (3 for position + 3 for rotation) x 3 objects

      Optional: Run the optimization with 3 different, irregular objects of your own design. Make them differentiated enough so the optimal solution is not obvious (like in the example where the pieces fit nicely together).


      These are the models you will be using in this assignment: Utah teapotStanford bunnyBlender Suzanne

      You can download the reference models in Rhino format by clicking on the assignment title above.

      Submission format

      Rhino model with the solution.

      Submission deadline

      Tuesday 12.10.2021 - 12:00