
  • Performative Patterns of High Density

    Sustainable future cities between architecture and landscape


    Digital design is driven by thinking in structures and systems, translated into structures and systems, translated into pattern of order and their interaction. The studio is an introduction into such a design thinking and emphasizes the exploration of spatial organizational pattern in various levels of abstraction and scale through the integration of computational methods and digital workflows.

    The studio is organized as joint studio between the professorships of Design of Structures and Computational Methodologies in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism and a continuation of a collaboration with the Singapore University of Technology and Design. 

    The studio is organized as an experimental design lab and structured around three key element: 

    • pattern generation
    • pattern transformation 
    • speculative interpretation

    Studio teaching is supported by intense skill building workshops and reading & discussion rounds. The studio is aiming at the rethinking of fundamentals of contemporary architecture & urbanism and can serve as starting point for a thesis research.  


    Studio Content

    The studio will explore performative qualities of organizational patterns on various scales. By viewing the city not anymore as a collection of independent objects, but rather as a systemic network of relationships, the studio will explore new design strategies to engage with the surrounding urban and landscape systems and transform these often separated concepts into an articulated landscape as an new future-oriented urban typology grounded in social and environmental sustainability.  Computational methods and techniques will be developed to study the relation between buildings, the city and landscape and its underlying flows of different data streams like, people, material and culture and urban green. This knowledge will be used to speculate on new types of urban sustainability aiming at the connection of urban and green systems for future cities.