
  • Deliverables for Final Review

    Submission on Friday 10.12.2021

    Source booklet showing concept progress through the studio

    (coordinated by Luka)

    • PDF produced from a provided InDesign template


    Text with short conceptual description of the project

    • 300 – 500 words.
    • This text should be included in the source booklet and the poster.

    Submission on Thursday 16.12.2021



    (coordinated by Tina)

    • Format: A0 printed, template will be provided.
    • Content: Includes the axonometric drawing, one render image, concept diagrams, text, project information.

    Axonometric drawing showing the final design synthesis

    (coordinated by Tina and Luka)

    • Format: PDF, A1 size in portrait orientation. Vector drawing combined with raster render as an underlay.
    • Style and content: Drawing should show the outside as well as inside of the building through cuts or transparencies. If your project is in larger scale, the drawing should include the entire site perimeter. Relevant computational design principles can be integrated as a diagram directly over the drawing. These “layers of information” over a single drawing need to graphically aid the reading of the drawing and it’s clarity. In short, this axonometric drawing would combine volumetric as well as diagrammatic explanation of the project.
    • As a reference, please refer to drawings from the Articulated Landscapes exhibition (scroll to the bottom of the page).


    Render views

    • Minimal 2 images of the final project with the context, ideally from human perspective.


    3D printed model

    (coordinated by Kane)

    • Technique: FDM 3D print with Ultimaker 3D printer
    • Fabrication facility: Väre 3D printing lab (G floor, workshop master Manuel)
    • Size: maximum printing area (TBD)
    • Material: white ABS plastic
    • Style: to be determined specifically for every project

    Final presentation

    • Format: Digital (PDF, or Powerpoint if your presentation includes animations)
    • Includes relevant concept developments as well as the final design. Axonometric drawing as well as render views should be integrated into this presentation as well.